Boulder Amateur Radio Club

A 501c Non-Profit Educational Organization
Boulder Amateur Radio Club

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Monthly Meetings

Meet area hams through the Boulder Amateur Radio Club (BARC). Visitors are always welcome!

When: Usually the third Tuesday of each month at 7:00 pm.

Where: See the current BARC's Bark newsletter or write to barc7Ø["at" symbol] for location and details.


BARC Weekly Wednesday Night Roundtable Net

Each Wednesday evening at 8:00 pm on BARC's 146.700 (-) repeater

Join the fun on this net, and talk with the rest of the gang on this weekly roundtable discussion.

This is a great forum to tell us what you are up to, pass along ham related info, and to see what is going on in the Boulder area ham community.

If you would like to volunteer to be a 'Master of Ceremonies' for this fun Roundtable Net, please notify Jane, KCØFGE

All hams are welcome!!

Boulder Area TV Ham Net

There is an active group of BARC members doing Amateur Television ( i.e. ATV ). They have a weekly net meeting on Thursday afternoons. The net starts at 3pm and typically runs for 1 1/2 hours. The Boulder ATV repeater, W0BTV, is used for the net. It is on 423 MHz with DVB-T, high-definition (1080P) digital modulation. The BCARES 146.76 MHz, 2 meter, FM voice repeater is used for net coordination and inter-com. The ATV net is also streamed over the internet at: All hams with or without ATV capability are encouraged to join in the net. W0BTV is co-located with the BARC 2m & 70cm FM voice repeaters. It's coverage area is similar to the BARC FM repeaters. For more details about W0BTV, go to:

Net Control: Jim Andrews, KH6HTV

We encourage all hams with ATV capabilities to check into the net. Both home and mobile ATV are welcome.

BARC Membership

BARC dues are $25 annually (due January 1st). This continues to be one of the best bargains in amateur radio.

Please also consider including a donation to the BARC Scholarship Fund (there's a line for that on the PDF membership form, and a PayPal button on the Scholarship Page).

For a new membership, please print out, fill out, and return the BARC Membership/Renewal Form (PDF).

For membership renewal, you can either use the printable form or use PayPal (below). Also, note that:

  • If personal or family information has changed, either print out, fill out and mail the form, or send your changes by e-mail to barc7Ø["at" symbol]
  • If you wish to make a scholarship fund donation when you renew your membership, remember to make that donation on the scholarship page.
  • If you wish to renew for more than one year, send us a note ati BARC70@arrl.netto let us know your intentions.

BARC Officers

President: Michael Stutzer (KDØFDJ)

Vice President: Carey Fuller (KXØR)

Secretary: Debbie Goldman (WB2DVT)

Treasurer: Michael Derr (W3DIF)

Newsletter Editor: Michael Stutzer, KDØFDJ

WØDK Trustee:  Dan Norman (NØHF)

BARC Jrs: Michael Wilson (K2KR), Paul Bailey (WDØAIO)

Website Designers: Edna Hetchler (KB6OKA), Ben Woodall (WØODL)