Story Archive

A Tale of Ice and Fire

The Ice Hotel in Kiruna, Sweden, first opened in 1990, and has been a popular tourist attraction ever since. Because it’s made completely out of ice, it must be rebuilt every year, which means it must always comply with the newest building codes. This year, Sweden’s National Housing Board has imposed a new requirement: fire alarms. “We were a little surprised when we found out,” hotel spokeswoman Beatrice Karlsson said. But the company took the order in stride. “There are indeed things that can catch fire, like the reindeer skins, the mattresses, and the pillows.” Thus, the hotel will include the alarms as part of the newest version. “Every hotel is brand new anyway, there is always something new to think about,” said Karlsson. “And this year is no different: we actually have a few surprises in store.” (MS/Sweden Local) ...Like what they plan to do with those reindeer skins?
Original Publication Date: 17 November 2013
This story is in True’s book collections, in Volume 20.

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