56 Varieties
The food bank in Cardiff, Wales, “tweeted” a photo of a donation: a can of Heinz kidney soup. Heinz UK quickly tweeted back: “Wow! That soup was discontinued over 35 years ago.” Indeed the can of soup is estimated to be about 50 years old: it bore a price sticker showing “10d” — 10 “old pennies,” a form of coin discontinued in 1971, and equivalent to 4p (US 5 cents) today. “It will probably still be in date, that’s the funny thing,” said Cardiff Foodbank spokeswoman Helen Bull, noting it’s probably the oldest food item ever donated to them. “But will I eat it? Absolutely not.” Heinz agreed, tweeting: “Should be in a museum rather than a food bank! :)” (RC/BBC) ...Or, considering the flavor, a hazardous waste dump.Original Publication Date: 08 October 2017
This story is in True’s book collections, in Volume 24.
This story is in True’s book collections, in Volume 24.
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