Randy Cassingham’s Blog

Randy’s blog — more than 700 entries — goes back to 1994. If you’d like to read through all of them, it’ll take you awhile — but you’ll be amply entertained. The first entry is here: Introducing My Blog, and there are links at the bottom of each page (above the comments) to get to the next entry.

See bottom of this page regarding comment photos.



A Listing of ALL Blog Entries is here — the listing is long. Note there’s a search function in the navbar if you’re trying to find something specific. The following is a listing of the most-recent entries:

  • Dan Sokol 2: Behind the Scenes of Personal Computing History - The long-delayed Part 2 of my interview with one of the early figures of personal computing history.
  • Dan Sokol: a Barely Known Pioneer - "I became the world’s first software pirate." ...an ideal lifelong friend for Steve Wozniak.
  • David Staudt - He was a Friend of Boz ...and a friend of mine.
  • Coincidences - I Love Little Coincidences. First, this one is about names. Yes, the previous post is about incident over names: another person named Randy Cassingham.
  • An Obliviot by Any Other Name - Is someone trying to charge a cell phone to my account? Well, WORSE than that! It's actually shocking.
  • Scot-Free - I was so floored over the resolution of this story, it took a blog post to explain it.
  • Canada & Guns - I didn’t just have more to say about a story in this week’s issue, I have a suggestion on how to fix it.
  • Why Why Why Florida?! - Is Everyone in Florida Crazy?! The short answer: no, even if this week’s issue is all-Florida-based stories. The longer answer: read on.
  • Difficult Subjects - This post is about why I think it’s important to cover them, but maybe not for the reasons you think.
  • Illustrated Man - There was a story this week about a family who saved a woman in grave danger. This isn’t about the story, but about its coverage.
  • Wells Fargo, Trampled - Some extra story commentary about a business sector people love to hate. And sometimes, our feelings are fully justified.
  • Behind Great Men - I suddenly realized that a story I was writing this week both stood alone in its breathtaking wonderfulness, and stood out in the context of recent headlines in an unexpected way.
  • The Evolution of True’s Logo - This post was inspired by a question from Premium reader James in Toronto, who asked about the logo after he read an old post about how the This is True title came about.
  • Engineering the Future - A discussion with a reader about teaching kids to think. Or was it about teaching ourselves?
  • When Co-Sleeping with a Baby Is a Bad Idea - I hate this story, but it's something people need to learn from.
  • Bill Post for H.U.? - No, a junk food creator didn't get the nod.
  • Weird Coincidences - After 30 years there are bound to be some coincidences among story subjects. Get a load of this one from this week’s issue.
  • Front Page News - A startling news story from the county seat of my recently-former Colorado home not only caught my eye, but quickly spread to national, and now international, headlines.
  • Florida Book Censorship - There needed to be a place to comment on, and get more info on, a truly moronic Florida story. This is the place.
  • Substack Has a Nazi Problem - I’m leaving Substack. Why? Substack has a Nazi problem.

How to Include Your Photo on Comments

You’ll note some comments include a photo representing the commenter. The comment system uses Gravatar to pull up user photos. Register there if you already haven’t; it uses your email address to associate your stated address when you comment with your Gravatar account, and then it’s automagical on any site that uses Gravatar (which is a lot).

If you wish to remain anonymous and not have your photo show, then add an “address” tag to your address (because comments that use fake addresses are automatically rejected). That is, if your email is your.name @ gmail.com, you can use a tag like your.name+nopic @ gmail.com — that changes your address enough that it won’t pull up a photo. You’ll still get notifications (if you sign up for them), too.