An Uninvited Guest
Davis Wahlman noticed some lights on when he arrived at his Green Lake, Wash., home. “I don’t immediately freak out but I’m like, ‘This is not ordinary’,” he said. Wahlman also found a screen from a bathroom window in his tub. That night, he heard strange noises in the attic. Jolted out of bed, he noticed a light on in his office, which was locked, so he knocked on the door. “Jimmy? Is that you, Jimmy?” a woman’s voice said. “I’m like ‘No, it’s not Jimmy’,” Wahlman said. “Who is this and why are you in my house?” The woman opened the door and “I’m like ‘Who the heck are you? Why are you in my house?’” Wahlman asked her. “And she just keeps kind of going ‘This is my house. I live here. I’ve been here for three days. Jimmy said I could live here. Jimmy said I could stay here.’” Wahlman called the police, but the unknown woman got away before they arrived. Wahlman changed the locks on his house, and is puzzled how the woman got in. (MS/KOMO Seattle) ...Easy: she Jimmied the locks.Original Publication Date: 24 July 2016
This story is in True’s book collections, in Volume 23.
This story is in True’s book collections, in Volume 23.
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