Story Archive

As Easy as 1-2-...

A bank robbery in Anchorage, Alaska, was solved quickly and easily: the robber presented a hold-up demand note written on the back of an affordable housing form — with his name and birthdate entered in the appropriate spots. Officers hardly needed that to link him to the crime, however: “It’s my understanding he was sitting outside the bank counting his money when police arrived,” said an FBI spokeswoman. Gale Nash has been charged with the crime. (RC/Anchorage Daily News) ...And immediately provided with affordable housing.
Original Publication Date: 10 June 2018
This story is in True’s book collections, in Volume 24.

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I believe humanity is held back by the lack of thinking. I provoke thought with examples of what happens when we don’t think, and when we do. This is True is my primary method: stories like this come out every week by email, and basic subscriptions are free. Click here for a subscribe form.

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