Story Archive

Attention Mr. Weasley

At a charity event in Bourton-on-the-Water, England, the function of the rubber ducks was to race. One hundred of the bathtub toys were released into the River Windrush; kids raced after them to raise money for the Blood Bikes, a group of volunteers who bring blood to medical facilities. But an ancient bylaw says that no one may use the river for fundraisers on Sundays — with the possible exception of a brass band, which is allowed to hold events. Someone called the police, who put an end to the misuse of the river. “The officers looked pretty embarrassed about it,” said a spectator. “And I can understand why.” (AC/Gloucestershire Live) ...They hadn’t signed up to work for the DMLE — the Department of Moronic-Law Enforcement.
Original Publication Date: 17 July 2016
This story is in True’s book collections, in Volume 23.

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