Story Archive

Bad Chemistry II

The Cristo Rey Jesuit High School in Baltimore, Md., was evacuated after a “strange odor” overwhelmed students and staff; several were coughing and reporting difficulty breathing. The fire department responded with its Hazmat team, triaged “dozens” of school employees and students who inhaled the apparently toxic fumes, and transported two students and three adults to a hospital for further treatment. As firefighters set up heavy-duty fans to air out the building, a firefighter found the source of the fumes: a plug-in air freshener that was set to pump “pumpkin spice” smells into the air every several minutes. (RC/WBAL Baltimore) ...You can have fresh air, or you can have chemical scents, but you can’t simultaneously have both.
Original Publication Date: 22 October 2017
This story is in True’s book collections, in Volume 24.

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