Carlo Cipolla Was Right
An unnamed University of Pittsburgh, Pa., student and his date climbed on top of a building. The woman called for emergency services a little while later after the man tried to jump across the gap between two buildings. He fell, becoming trapped between them. “Basically, [he was stuck in] a 16-18-inch crevice and fell three storeys,” said Public Safety director Wendell Hissrich. It took several hours to rescue the student, who was taken to the hospital with only an ankle injury. “It appeared there were three walls we had to go through, and also we had people on the roof,” Hissrich said. The restaurants in the buildings were closed until repairs could be made to the walls. One, Bruegger’s Bagels, had a sign posted saying it would not be open on time because of “the man who thought it would be a good idea to impress his girlfriend and got stuck between the building walls!” There is no word yet on whether the student will face charges. (MS/WTAE Pittsburgh) ...Or if he’ll get a second date.Original Publication Date: 04 September 2016
This story is in True’s book collections, in Volume 23.
This story is in True’s book collections, in Volume 23.
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