Story Archive

Christmas Just For Me III

A delivery driver called police in Ellsworth, Maine, to report a man had grabbed a case of beer from his truck. “The driver of the delivery truck chased the suspect and took possession of the beer,” the resulting police report notes. A suspect was sighted nearby “minutes later,” and Nicholas Stanley, 31, was charged with burglary of a motor vehicle. The report says the case of Bud Light was valued at $28.09. (RC/Ellsworth American) ...So, it was a case of 240 cans?
Original Publication Date: 24 December 2017
This story is in True’s book collections, in Volume 24.

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I believe humanity is held back by the lack of thinking. I provoke thought with examples of what happens when we don’t think, and when we do. This is True is my primary method: stories like this come out every week by email, and basic subscriptions are free. Click here for a subscribe form.

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