Story Archive

Cleanup at Register 11

Dustin Haight, the general manager of a Walmart store in Payson, Utah, says a woman told an employee she wasn’t feeling well. Haight was summoned, and so was an ambulance: “Literally right after she paid for her merchandise,” he says, “they rolled her over and she began to give birth” — right at the register. “By the time the EMTs got here she had paid for her merchandise and had a baby.” The mother, and her baby boy, are doing fine. “We’re gonna buy her a whole bunch of goods like diapers and formula, that type stuff when the mother comes in ... and this time we won’t make her pay,” Haight said. And, he says, register 11 will never be the same. (RC/KSTU Salt Lake City) ...Though the real impact will take some time to register.
Original Publication Date: 06 November 2016
This story is in True’s book collections, in Volume 23.

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