Story Archive

Cops Want Clean Fundraiser

Two veteran sheriff’s deputies were wounded in a shootout at a Rastafarian herb farm in Yuba County, Calif., and a local business announced a fundraiser to help them. But the sheriff’s office isn’t endorsing the event. “If the event is ran as explained,” a spokesman conceded, “it will be a legal business promotion.” The business, City Limits Showgirls, invited drivers over 18 to pull into a tent on its property and have their cars washed by topless dancers, all for a fund established by a law-enforcement union. “The more you donate,” said operations manager Hal Meyer, “the more you can get.” (AC/KCRA Sacramento) ...From the girls or the deputies?
Original Publication Date: 01 October 2017
This story is in True’s book collections, in Volume 24.

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