Cowardly New World
An employee of the city of Greenwich, Conn., says that an elected city Representative told her that “it was a new world politically,” and he had to “educate” other politicians. “I love this new world,” declared Christopher von Keyserling, 71, a Republican. “I no longer have to be politically correct!” The 57-year-old woman said she “can’t help you” with that, so he called her “nothing but a bloodsucking lazy union employee,” and, when she realized she was in the office alone with him, she walked out — but before she could get to the door, von Keyserling reached between her legs and pinched her ...uh... genitals. When she objected to the assault, he told her “it would be your word against mine and nobody will believe you.” Maybe: the Greenwich Town Hall has security cameras, and the recorded footage is “consistent” with her story. She says when she discovered he had acted similarly with other female employees, she went to the police. A police detective says when he spoke to von Keyserling, “He related that he was sorry he pinched her.” He was charged with sexual assault, and his lawyer has entered a not guilty plea. (RC/Darien Daily Voice) ...And thus starts his own education.Original Publication Date: 05 February 2017
This story is in True’s book collections, in Volume 23.
This story is in True’s book collections, in Volume 23.
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