Story Archive

Crab Catcher

Mohammed Ramzan, 19, was practicing with the Northwestern University rowing team on the North Shore Channel of the Chicago River when the blade of his oar hit the water wrong, sending the handle back at him with enough force to knock him out of the boat. Getting hit by an oar isn’t unusual for rowers: it’s commonly called “catching crab.” But in this case, it led to an Illinois State Police investigation, since Ramzan drowned. Team members gave varying answers on the expected protocol for what to do when a rower went overboard, with some saying that the coach was supposed to respond. Also, Ramzan had told one the coxswains that he couldn’t swim. Another rower told investigators, “it was assumed people would assist the person.” In response, the university added additional training for rowers, requiring them to watch safety videos and pass a safety exam. (MS/Chicago Tribune) ...No requirement that they know how to swim, though, since that would ruin the suspense.
Original Publication Date: 03 September 2017
This story is in True’s book collections, in Volume 24.

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