Story Archive

Curried Potatoes

Ralph Curry, 43, had an issue in his Delco, Pa., apartment, but was unable to get in contact with building maintenance. He apparently thought that the issue required immediate attention and had to figure out how to get it. “He says to himself, ‘Self, I’m going to clog up the toilet with potatoes and have that overflow and I’ll call maintenance again,’” Police Superintendent Michael Chitwood said. It’s unknown how many potatoes Curry flushed down the toilet, but they caused it to overflow. When maintenance still didn’t respond, Curry allegedly pulled the building’s fire alarm, causing 12 families in other units to evacuate into the 28-degree weather where they had to wait for 30 minutes before going back inside. Curry was arrested and charged with making false alarms to agencies of public safety, recklessly endangering another person, and disorderly conduct. (MS/Philadelphia Inquirer) ...His new residence will have a fully functioning toilet — right next to his bed.
Original Publication Date: 01 March 2015
This story is in True’s book collections, in Volume 21.

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