Definitely Interesting
A science teacher at Southland Boys’ High School in Invercargill, New Zealand, has lost her license to teach. “I didn’t do anything improper, but it looked improper,” admits Dawn Patricia Ganaha. The main thing she did that got parents up in arms was show her Year 9 advanced science class a video on the subject, “10 things you don’t know” about orgasms. Why? “Because kids get so bored with learning about the basic stuff that they do, and all I wanted to do was make it interesting,” Ganaha said. Several students told the principal they were “uncomfortable” with the TED video. “I was quite shocked,” one boy said. “I didn’t see it coming.” (RC/New Zealand Herald) ...Well did he see the video, or didn’t he?Original Publication Date: 03 December 2017
This story is in True’s book collections, in Volume 24.
This story is in True’s book collections, in Volume 24.
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