Drunk on the Trunk
Carl Webb and his wife got in their car to leave Barbecue Fest in Memphis, Tenn. Fourteen miles down the road, a police officer pulled them over. “The officer came up and he said, ‘Mister, are you aware there’s a body on your trunk?’, and that did not register,” Webb said. “He goes, ‘Mister I’m not messing with you. There’s a body on your trunk.’ So I got out. We walked around and sure enough there he was still hanging on, still unconscious, just lying there.” The unidentified man was sleeping on Webb’s 14-inch-wide trunk, so soundly the officer had to wake him. According to Webb the man was so drunk he started to stumble into traffic until the officer grabbed him. “I hope he takes a good look at where he put himself and the hazard that he had open up to himself,” Webb said. “It would’ve been death.” There is no word on the man’s name, or if he’s been charged with anything. (MS/WHBQ Memphis) ...Check the files for a missing man named Van Winkle.Original Publication Date: 04 June 2017
This story is in True’s book collections, in Volume 23.
This story is in True’s book collections, in Volume 23.
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