Extremism Meets Diversity
From what he told police, when Devon Arthurs, 18, started living with Brandon Russell, 21, Jeremy Himmelman, 22, and Andrew Oneschuk, 18, they had values in common — neo-Nazi values. But he ended up killing two of them: Arthurs became a Muslim, and his roommates shockingly failed to respect his new faith. Arthurs led police to the men’s Tampa Palms, Fla., apartment, where officers found the surviving neo-Nazi, Russell, who served in the National Guard and had a framed picture of Oklahoma City bomber Timothy McVeigh, weeping at his door. (AC/Tampa Bay Times) ...Hatred and bloodthirstiness may not be such a solid basis for friendship after all.Original Publication Date: 04 June 2017
This story is in True’s book collections, in Volume 23.
This story is in True’s book collections, in Volume 23.
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