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Fatherhood 101 — Not How You Do It

Brothers Keith and Kristopher Dart were arrested for allegedly stealing at least 13 vehicles, worth over $250,000. Court records show the brothers said they never profited from the thefts, and even took investigators to show them where they’d left the stolen vehicles. The criminal complaint says Keith, 44, even explained his motive: impressing his 16-year-old son. According to the complaint, Keith told investigators his son was addicted to methamphetamine and tried to emulate people “who live the thug life.” Keith says Kristopher, 32, would drive him in and around Green Bay, Wisc., until they found a good target, and then would pick him up after he dumped the car. Keith hoped his son would see him as a criminal, and thus “cool,” so that he would start talking to him again. The Darts face multiple felony charges, and if convicted could spend more than 60 years in prison. (MS/Green Bay Press-Gazette) ...Success!
Original Publication Date: 30 October 2016
This story is in True’s book collections, in Volume 23.

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