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Executive Director Jeremy Chiappetta of the Blackstone Valley Prep Mayoral Academy, a charter school in Cumberland, R.I., announced the school has “ended its relationship with three high school teachers after confirming the allegations” — that teachers were messaging each other on the school’s computer system with disparaging remarks about students. The kids are “idiots”, “scum”, and one specific student “is such a dumb ass.” A teacher replies, “Wish we could hit them.” At least some of the messages were sent during school hours. Parents, naturally, were outraged. “The school first tried to say that it was a hacking issue,” one said, saying the real problem was a “culture of toxicity” at the school. Parents now have to address the director’s culture of dissembling: he was forced to admit that the way the school “ended its relationship” with the teachers was by accepting their resignations. (RC/WJAR Providence) ...At some point parents might notice Chiappetta didn’t offer his.
Original Publication Date: 17 July 2016
This story is in True’s book collections, in Volume 23.

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