Story Archive

Good Nickname

Pippa, the house dog at the Goat Island Lodge, located on a small island in the Adelaide River just south of Darwin, N.T., Australia, didn’t like the crocodiles that crawled out of the river at the lodge to be fed by innkeeper Kai Hansen, 66. Visitors would take videos of the terrier — which had the nickname “Dumb Blonde” — chasing “Casey” the croc back into the water. Pippa had been doing it for about a decade, but the 1,000-pound monster had had enough: it “did what crocs do,” said lodge owner: it ate its tormentor. “It was something that had a high probability of happening sometime,” Hansen said, but he won’t blame the predator. “She’s not doing something wrong, she’s just doing what crocs do.” (RC/ABC Australia) ...Stick to chasing cars: they don’t chase back.
Original Publication Date: 17 June 2018
This story is in True’s book collections, in Volume 24.

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