Story Archive

Hold the Sugar

A man allegedly stole a pot of coffee from a 7-Eleven store in Elkhart, Ind. He then went into another convenience store, yelled that 7-Eleven’s coffee was better than their coffee, and threw the pot he had brought from the first store at a customer. Police responded, and chased him around the city for about 90 minutes. As police moved in on the man, “he ran into a shed or a garage and stripped off all of his clothes,” says a police spokesman, and “took off again.” Two officers finally took the man down with a Taser. Michael Coleman, 30, was taken to a hospital to determine if he had a medical condition, and he then was booked into jail charged with theft, battery, criminal mischief, battery on a police officer, resisting law enforcement, criminal trespass, and public indecency. (RC/WSBT South Bend) ...Mike? You’ve had enough coffee.
Original Publication Date: 23 July 2017
This story is in True’s book collections, in Volume 24.

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