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Home Security, Br’er Rabbit Edition

Joann Mendenhall says she saw some would-be burglars running from the backyard of her St. Petersburg, Fla., home. “They were gone like a streak of lightning,” she said. Police determined that teenagers had hopped her fence, but ran after one of them landed right on top of one of Mendenhall’s beehives. “Bees do not like to be disturbed, but especially at night,” Mendenhall said. Police collected fingerprints and called local emergency rooms to see if anyone had been treated for bee stings. “I hope they got stung because that’s what they get for trying to break in,” Mendenhall said. (MS/WTVT Tampa) ...You can read more about this story on BuzzFeed.
Original Publication Date: 27 November 2016
This story is in True’s book collections, in Volume 23.

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