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I Have No Idea What You’re Talking About

Former Wisconsin one-term state senator Cathy Stepp also served as the Secretary of the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources. But she resigned that position to accept an appointment from President Donald Trump as the Chief Administrator of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s Midwest region. When Stepp, 54, went to Chicago, Ill., to address her new staff for the first time, she “drafted” her daughter, Hannah, 23, to introduce her and help “humanize” her. Hannah told the 200-plus staffers at an “all-hands” meeting that when she was 16, she failed her first driving test, so her mother “put on a disguise of a fake nose and sunglasses and went to the DMV and followed someone taking the driving portion of the test so that she could learn the route, and then we practiced it,” Hannah said. “I didn’t fail the second time!” Further, Hannah claims about the fake nose, she “always has it with her.” (RC/Chicago Tribune) ...No real surprise: few political appointees lately will ever want to be recognized in public.
Original Publication Date: 28 January 2018
This story is in True’s book collections, in Volume 24.

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