Story Archive

Keystone Krook

According to police Lt. Brian Lohrke, a man entered a credit union in Taylorsville, Utah, said he had a gun, and demanded money. He escaped with an undisclosed amount of cash, but when he got to his car he realized he’d left his keys on the counter inside, Lohrke said. The man fled on foot, but the money bag snagged on something and tore open — scattering bills as he ran. Witnesses were able to guide police to the man running down the street with money falling out behind him. David Hamson, 39, who has an extensive criminal record and was already a suspect in other bank robberies, was booked for aggravated robbery. (MS/KSL Salt Lake City) ...Aggravated robbery, or aggravated robber?
Original Publication Date: 04 February 2018
This story is in True’s book collections, in Volume 24.

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