Kids These Days
As an end-of-school-year prank, six 17-year-olds from New Zealand’s Waikato Diocesan School, an Anglican boarding school for girls, raided Hamilton Boys’ High School on dirt bikes, wearing nothing but panties and helmets. One accidentally ran over Kyle Kirsten, a student at the boys’ school, gashing his leg. “Doctors said it’s actually down to the bone,” said his father, Glen Kirsten. Glen went in for a police interview when summoned, but he refuses to press charges. “My son is fine,” he says. “He has an injury but that will heal.” Susan Hassall, principal of Hamilton Boys’ High, disagrees, and is pushing for criminal charges. “I think we need to send a strong message to young students that such reckless behavior won’t be tolerated,” she said. (RC/New Zealand Herald) ...Women need to learn: men should have the right to say no.Original Publication Date: 26 November 2017
This story is in True’s book collections, in Volume 24.
This story is in True’s book collections, in Volume 24.
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