Story Archive

Next Time, Try the ATM

Emily Coakley went to her bank in Philadelphia, Pa., and made a withdrawal. When she got home and counted her money, she believed she had been shorted by $400. Rather than call the bank to inquire whether they made a mistake, she headed down there, went up to the counter and, witnesses say, pointed a revolver at an employee and demanded $400. Coakley was “escorted” out of the bank by police without handcuffs: she’s 86, and needed her hands free to use her walker. She was charged with aggravated assault, robbery, weapons violations, making terroristic threats, and “related offenses,” police said. She was released without having to pay bail. (RC/Philadelphia Inquirer, WTXF Philadelphia) ...Because nobody wanted her to need to do any banking again anytime soon.
Original Publication Date: 03 December 2017
This story is in True’s book collections, in Volume 24.

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