No Parking
Jamie D. Gay of Leesburg, Fla., called the sheriff about his neighbor: she drove into the fence between their houses, he said, knocking part of it down. The 2-foot fence, made of stacked cinder blocks, was easy to reassemble, which Gay did. Deputies warned Rachel Ann Roe, 24, that she should try to resolve her dispute with her neighbor, and warned her she could be arrested if she did it again. Just 15 minutes later, Gay called deputies back: Roe drove through the fence again, he said. When deputies arrived, her pickup truck was parked on top of its pieces. Roe was arrested for criminal mischief. (RC/Leesburg Daily Commercial) ...Good fences make good neighbors. Bad fences....Original Publication Date: 28 August 2016
This story is in True’s book collections, in Volume 23.
This story is in True’s book collections, in Volume 23.
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