Story Archive

No Safe Way

Krystal Blanchard wants officials to give her daughter a school-bus stop closer to their West Harwich, Mass., home, so that Autumn, 11, won’t have to walk so far down rural roads where the few cars zoom along. Meanwhile, Autumn found her own way to shorten the journey: cutting through neighbors’ yards. But two neighbors — the mother and grandmother of a “bus friend” with whom Autumn walked to the stop — complained to police and signed no-trespass orders against her. Grandmother Patricia Taylor explained that years ago, another child had come into her yard and broken her leg — and Taylor was sued over it. (AC/Cape Cod Times) ...Sounds like Autumn should teach these adults some problem-solving, and her bus friend should teach them about neighborliness.
Original Publication Date: 09 April 2017
This story is in True’s book collections, in Volume 23.

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