Nothing Much Changes
“I felt like a person in a pool of piranhas,” says Marsha Wetzel of Chicago, Ill. “There’s the clique system just like everywhere else,” agrees administrator Betsy Gran of San Francisco, Calif. They and others are told they can’t join people at cafeteria tables, they’ve seen fistfights break out, bullying is rampant, and dances are “breeding grounds for gossip and cruelty.” No, they’re not talking about their high schools, but rather the senior centers where they live (in the case of Wetzel, who is 70) or worked (in Gran’s case). “It’s like ‘Mean Girls’,” Gran says, “but everyone is 80.” The Institute on Aging has developed an anti-bullying program to help. (RC/AP) ...Notice how no one is asking: Where are the parents?Original Publication Date: 03 June 2018
This story is in True’s book collections, in Volume 24.
This story is in True’s book collections, in Volume 24.
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