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Now Here’s a Political Tail

Residents of Rabbit Hash, Ky., don’t seem to be embarrassed by their mayor, even though “There’s always inappropriate licking going on,” admits voter Bobbi Kayser. Their mayor is a dog — a pit bull named Brynneth Pawltro. It’s the fourth time a dog has been elected mayor of the town. This most recent election was a bit ruff, though: “There was a cat, the chicken, a donkey, a little boy,” who were all in the running, says Jordie Bamforth. “It started in the late 1990s as a fundraiser,” says Kayser, a member of the Rabbit Hash Historical Society. “We charge you a dollar for your vote. You vote as often as you want.” And what townfolk wanted was the dog. Again. (RC/WDRB Louisville) ...Don’t laugh: most politicians end up in the doghouse at one point or another.
Original Publication Date: 23 July 2017
This story is in True’s book collections, in Volume 24.

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