Run and Eat
Busy Perry County Sheriff’s deputies finally got a break in Hazard, Ky. “We finally slowed down enough to eat lunch,” said Chief Deputy Tony Eversole. “And while we were eating we noticed a known fugitive that we’ve actually been looking for.” Neil Martin, who was wanted in several states for fraud, was seated directly across from him. “We let him eat so we wouldn’t cause any trouble inside the restaurant,” Eversole said. “And then we got up as he left and followed him outside and made the arrest in the parking lot.” Although it was a serious situation, Eversole pointed out one other reason to allow Martin to finish his meal. “We wanted to know if he was going to order his dessert to go,” he said. (MS/WYMT Hazard) ...If he did, they can put it on ice with him.Original Publication Date: 10 December 2017
This story is in True’s book collections, in Volume 24.
This story is in True’s book collections, in Volume 24.
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