Sciuridae Noxiosus
A 911 call from a Deltona, Fla., senior living facility described an attack that injured three residents. The attacker: “We had a squirrel that entered our building, and it’s in our activity room, and it’s jumping on people and biting them and scratching them,” the caller said. “We need help. It’s still in there and people are bleeding.” The squirrel had apparently jumped on a resident and then into the building. That resident, Phyllis Thrush, ended up with 11 stitches. “A lady had a bad place on her forehead where he had jumped on her,” she said. “Another lady had scratches on her hand, so we all got it at once.” An ambulance was dispatched to tend to the wounded. The facility has since put out traps in hopes of catching the squirrel. (MS/WFTV Orlando) ...Once caught, the squirrel will be hauled off to the nut house.Original Publication Date: 13 November 2016
This story is in True’s book collections, in Volume 23.
This story is in True’s book collections, in Volume 23.
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