Sure Enough, There Are Two Suspects
Meghan Haley of Philadelphia, Pa., noticed one of the digits on the address number sign on her home was missing. She checked her security camera and sure enough, a woman had come up on her porch to steal it — just one digit, a zero. “It has no value so I can’t imagine what they are using it for,” she says. Yet it’s part of a rash of such thefts in the area, and police are investigating: around 20 homes are missing digits, all zeroes and ones. “I saw a big power drill and a man stealing the number,” says another victim. “It’s kind of weird,” said yet another. “I don’t know if someone is trying to send a message or someone just has an obsession with zeros and ones.” (RC/WTXF Philadelphia) ...There are 10 types of people in the world: those who understand binary, and those who don’t.Original Publication Date: 25 September 2016
This story is in True’s book collections, in Volume 23.
This story is in True’s book collections, in Volume 23.
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