Swipe Right for Jail
Alvin Neal, 56, robbed a bank in San Diego, Calif. According to a plea agreement, Neal approached a window and told the teller, “You’re being robbed. Don’t make a mistake.” He got away with $565. The teller, however, was able to provide police with his identity: before speaking to the teller, Neal had swiped his ATM card through the reader at the window. From that information, investigators got his name and address, and tracked him down. Neal admitted to the robbery and was sentenced to 3 years, 10 months in prison, and was ordered to pay $565 in restitution. (MS/San Diego Union-Tribune) ...He’ll get to that as soon as he has access to an ATM.Original Publication Date: 22 January 2017
This story is in True’s book collections, in Volume 23.
This story is in True’s book collections, in Volume 23.
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