Story Archive

Take Me to the Head Lizard

Police in Troy, Mich., got two calls that seemed to go together quite well. The first was from officials at the Zion Church, reporting someone had shot out one of its windows with a gun. Shortly after, a man called to report that “the Zion Church is an alien space ship for reptiles,” recounts Capt. Bob Redmond. The main church building is a giant dome. Officers went to the man’s home and arrested him. Police tried to reassure other churches in the area. “We have absolutely no reason to believe this individual targeted this church because it was a church or he had a beef against Christians,” said Sgt. Meghan Lehman. Rather, she theorized, “mental health could be an issue here.” (RC/WWJ Detroit) ...On the other hand, any other dome-shaped building may be at high risk.
Original Publication Date: 21 January 2018
This story is in True’s book collections, in Volume 24.

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