Just before the movie started, 200 people evacuated a cinema in Osnabrück, Germany, when a seated customer tried to open a beer bottle. It’s common in Germany for theaters to offer alcoholic beverages, but they usually open the bottles they serve; it’s unclear if the 29-year-old man brought the bottle from home, forgetting to also bring an opener. His solution: he tried to pry the cap off with the cannister of pepper spray he was carrying. The cap was stronger than the cannister, which split open, contaminating the entire theater. “It was chaos,” the manager said, as the audience fled with tears streaming from their eyes. (RC/Deutsche Welle) ...To be fair, that’s the typical audience reaction to Justice League.Original Publication Date: 26 November 2017
This story is in True’s book collections, in Volume 24.
This story is in True’s book collections, in Volume 24.
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