Story Archive

The “Can’t Drive a Stickshift” of the Twenty-Teens

A man stopped at a stop sign in Austin, Texas, and another man, later identified as Cory Patrick, 28, approached the car and the driver rolled down the window. The police affidavit says Patrick yelled “get out of the car!” The man tried to roll up the window, but Patrick allegedly smashed it, attacked the driver, and jumped into the driver’s seat. Patrick attempted to drive away, but he wasn’t able to figure out how to drive: the 2017 Chevy Bolt involved is an electric car. The owner told police that the “vehicle cannot be driven like a normal vehicle and takes some getting used to.” When a witness ran over to help, Patrick ran, but was captured by police. (MS/Austin American-Statesman) ...He also had a lot of trouble getting someone to wire him bail money.
Original Publication Date: 11 March 2018
This story is in True’s book collections, in Volume 24.

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