Story Archive

Wait and See Policing

“Dispatchers take all type of calls,” says Bath Township, Ohio, Police Chief Mike McNeely. “This is one of the most bizarre that I’ve heard.” He says Joseph Murphy, 20, called 911 to request a police dog be sent to his house. “You need a police dog?” the 911 operator asked. “What’s going on there?” A woman, he said, “stole heroin from me.” Naturally, officers were dispatched to Murphy’s house. When they asked him about the stolen heroin, he allegedly pulled a sample out of his pocket. That was confiscated, but Murphy wasn’t arrested; charges are pending chemical analysis of the sample. (RC/WCPO Cincinnati) ...And no police dog needed.
Original Publication Date: 07 May 2017
This story is in True’s book collections, in Volume 23.

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