Story Archive

What a Clown II

A 6-year-old girl jumped into a stranger’s car trying to hide, then ran into a stranger’s apartment in Youngstown, Ohio, screaming that a clown was chasing her. A man in the apartment ran outside with a gun to confront the horror, and fired a warning shot into the ground. That, of course, brought police, who found the clown: it was the girl’s father, who allegedly told officers he put on the clown mask and chased her to discipline her, instead of spanking her. The unnamed parent was charged with child endangering and inducing panic, while the man who fired the gun was charged with using weapons while intoxicated. (MS/AP) ...Jumping into the car was dangerous: there could’ve been a hundred clowns in there!
Original Publication Date: 01 October 2017
This story is in True’s book collections, in Volume 24.

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I believe humanity is held back by the lack of thinking. I provoke thought with examples of what happens when we don’t think, and when we do. This is True is my primary method: stories like this come out every week by email, and basic subscriptions are free. Click here for a subscribe form.

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