Story Archive

What a Sap

Raymond Mazzarella’s neighbor had a tree with branches hanging over Mazzarella’s parking space at his apartment in Luzerne County, Pa. That tree was dripping sap onto his car, so, according to police, Mazzarella attempted to solve the problem by cutting down the three-foot-thick tree. “He decided it was the best thing to do, to get rid of the tree,” said Pittston Township code enforcement officer Terry Best. “Where he thought it was going to go, I don’t know.” Where it went was into Mazzarella’s apartment building. Authorities condemned the building, and its five residents — including Mazzarella — have to find a new place to live. After Mazzarella was treated and released from the hospital, a neighbor reported seeing him trespassing near the apartment building. When the neighbor confronted him, Mazzarella allegedly punched him, and the neighbor pulled out a stun gun to protect himself. Mazzarella allegedly hit the neighbor with a baseball bat, leading to his arrest on assault and harassment charges. He’s being held in the Luzerne County jail on $10,000 bail. (MS/WNEP Scranton) ...At least his new residence doesn’t have any trees.
Original Publication Date: 28 August 2016
This story is in True’s book collections, in Volume 23.

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