You Ought to Be in (Mug Shot) Pictures
“Cash office” employees at a Walmart store in Deltona, Fla., noticed a stack of 76 $100 bills looked funny, so they called in a manager. The manager found they were fake — printed with the words “For Motion Picture Use Only” — and put them in an envelope in a separate area of the safe. Later, the fake money disappeared. There are multiple security cameras in the cash office, so they looked at the recordings and allegedly saw Xiomara Matias-Cruz, 32, looking for something in the safe. After finding the envelope, she took something out, left the store, and drove away — just 15 minutes after her shift started. Sheriff’s deputies went to Matias-Cruz’s home and arrested her on charges of obtaining property by fraud, and grand theft. They noted in their report that she refused to speak to them without a lawyer present. (RC/Daytona Beach News-Journal) ...So she’s stupid, but not really stupid.Original Publication Date: 02 April 2017
This story is in True’s book collections, in Volume 23.
This story is in True’s book collections, in Volume 23.
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