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You Must Love Big Brother

High school students in Fredericksburg, Pa.’s Northern Lebanon School District who are caught in the hallways without a smile risk being sent to a guidance counselor, teachers say. It’s not an official policy, just assistant principal Benjamin Wenger’s practice. Wenger is accused of something else inappropriate for school that was probably intended to produce smiles: tossing a sex toy around with colleagues. Meanwhile, teachers anonymously told a newspaper that administrators are ignoring bullying while punishing students for dress code breaches and showing “inadequate respect” for the principal’s authority. In one instance at a sports event, Adreanna Gundrum, 14, fled her bullies, and they followed her; afterwards, Gundrum found herself facing principal Jennifer Hassler. “She said I was the problem, and I should start being the solution.” (AC/Lebanon Daily News) ...Clearly, some Lebanon students have every reason to smile.
Original Publication Date: 27 May 2018
This story is in True’s book collections, in Volume 24.

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