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Since 1994, this is the 1602nd issue of Randy Cassingham’s...

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23 February 2025: RepossessedCopyright ©2025

Trophy perp.Get Stuffed: In Peru, it’s common for gift-givers to dress up in costume to surprise someone, so when two women showed up at a house in Lima on Valentine’s Dayaccompanied by a giant, walking, “stuffed” capybara, the recipient opened his door wide. The costumed terna (undercover officer) rushed inside and jumped the man as several other uniformed officers stormed the door and aided in the arrest. It was the Escuadron Verde (Green Squad) of the federal police, and the raid got not only the wanted man, but a significant quantity of marijuana, and 1,774 packets of cocaine. “If we had not dressed up as this character,” said Col. Pedro RiojasTipto of the Peruvian National Police, “they would not have opened the door.” The officer stayed in costume all the way to the police station, where the unnamed man was processed and photographed for the media and online posts. (RC/EFE) ...Since we are now fully into the “Pictures or it Didn’t Happen” era.

Smuggler’s Blues: Jose Munox, 18, and Angel Gutierrez, 19, both of Greeley, Colo., have been charged with attempting to smuggle tobacco and meth into the Federal Corrections Institute in Pollock, La. Grant Parish Sheriff’s Office deputies caught the pair outside the prison fence with the alleged contraband and a T-shirt air cannon capable of firing objects over 350 feet, commonly used at sporting events, to get the goods over the fence. Investigators say the men had $112,000 worth oftobacco and $89,500 worth of meth with them, although it’s not clear if that’s the street value, or an even more inflated “value” as contraband inside the prison. (MS/KCNC Denver) ...Or if the drugs would come with a free T-shirt.

They Did It Again: Premium subscribers, I mean — they very often read this edition too, and some percentage saw that contributions helped pay to replace the ad last week, and several of them jumped in to send contributions to replace the ad here. Which is a good thing, since there was only one upgrade in the past week, yet seven contributions! Enough not only for this week, but it will only take two upgrades now to pay for next week’s issue too. Will two of you jump in?Upgrade here or contribute, and thanks so much.

The Cost of a Name: Karen Poth runs a waterfront museum. After she built support from her board and elected officials — the city of Mobile, Ala., owns the place — the museum undertook what Poth estimates was a $100,000 rebranding project. The new name is all over the museum, on videos, signs, and even painted across the building in letters that form a sign 50 feet wide: “National Maritime Museum of the Gulf of Mexico.” Less than a year after Poth unveiled that, President Donald Trumpannounced another name change: According to the federal government, the body of water to which the museum is dedicated is now the Gulf of America. Poth said officials would guide the decision whether to go through a similar rebranding again. “It would be a complete redo of the entire museum,” Poth said. “That will be very, very expensive.” (AC/BBC) ...Welcome to the era of governmental efficiency!

Corrected menu board.A Polite Slam: The Morning Owl, a coffee shop in Ottawa, Ont., Canada, no longer sells Americano coffees to “make light of a serious situation,” saysowner Todd Simpson — Donald Trump’s threats to annex Canada. “It seems like a really good way to say we’re Canadian.” Instead, he’s selling “Canadiano” coffees. Simpson says he’s not the first coffee house to do it, and hopes the idea spreads nationwide. (RC/CTV) ...I dunno: that could take a full day or three.

Florida Man + Florida Woman + Florida Hoe = Florida Headline
Polk County Woman Accused of Attacking Man with Garden Hoe after Plans to ‘Hang Out’ Fell Through
WTVT Tampa headline

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This Week’s Contributors: MS-Mike Straw, AC-Alexander Cohen, RC-Randy Cassingham.

Where Do I Get the Photos that sometimes accompany stories? Police photos are public domain, but what if the story is about a private company? They often have P.R. photos that I can use, or post on social media or their web sites. Sometimes I pop an email to ask, such as in the case of the Canadian coffee shop. I wanted a pic of their menu board, so I asked the owner, Todd Simpson (quoted in the story) if he could send one.

He did, directly from his phone. “If it is not great let me know and I’ll get another in the morning,” he said. It was gigantic, which is nice so I can choose the size. “I never thought this would have grabbed the attention that it has,” he said.

It is the Story of the Week so you (and he!) can share it from Telegram, Mastodon, Instagram, Threads, Bluesky, and/or Facebook, or grab from any of those to post elsewhere.

The ElevenLabs Story raised my ire a bit, and I had more to say about it in my blog: ElevenLabs’ Hell, which URL you’re highly encouraged to spread, especially if you use any sort of assistive technology to help you with any sort of medical condition. Short URL for the page:

ElevenLabs was in a position to be absolute heroes. They have instead chosen to be villains. It’s not too late for them to turn things around. I hope they will.

In the Mail: Dusty in Iowa is back to Premium after 21 years: “I’ve been a free subscriber for YEARS, with a brief Premium subscription that I let lapse due to hard financial times. Finances have been better for a while, and I actually remembered to upgrade again finally. I need more This is True in these ‘interesting’ times.”

Ten Years Ago in True: Somebody Needs to Be Ashamed.

This Week’s Sunday Reading: Disturbing examples of police officers getting special treatment that mere citizens would never receive my home state. Aurora Police: Not Accountable.

This Week’s Honorary Unsubscribe is again delayed. I know I’m falling behind, but I chose to spend my energy on my blog post. I’ll try to catch up as I can.

Basic Subscriptions to This is True are Free at All stories are completely rewritten using facts from the noted sources. This is True® (and Get Out of Hell Free® and Stella Awards®) are registered trademarks of ThisisTrue.Inc. Published weekly by ThisisTrue.Inc, PO Box 666, Ridgway CO 81432 USA (ISSN 1521-1932).

Copyright ©2025 by Randy Cassingham, All Rights Reserved. All broadcast, publication, retransmission to email lists, web site or social media posting, or any other copying or storage, in any medium, online or not, is strictly prohibited without prior written permission from the author. Manual forwarding by email to friends is allowed if 1) the text is forwarded in its entirety from the “Since 1994” line on top through the end of this paragraph and 2) No fee is charged. I request that you forward no more than three copies to any one person — after that, they should get their own free subscription. I appreciate people who report violations of my copyright.

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