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Did you know there are two online editions of This is True?
I’d rather attempt to saw off my leg with a hacksaw in the middle of a desert while chained to a car leaking gasoline slowly running towards an open flame than let my Premium subscription lapse. —Robert, California
There’s the Free Edition
You may only be aware of the free edition, read by many thousands of subscribers from all over the world. You can sign up for this edition on most of the pages of this site for no charge, and it has a selection of four stories from that week’s Premium edition, plus the “Headline of the Week”.
But if you simply love the true stories, you can get many more every week with a Premium Upgrade subscription.
If you’re not already on the free distribution, you can sign up right now: Click for a Subscribe Form.
Then There’s All of It: Premium
The Premium edition of This is True has all the stories — typically triple the articles in the free feed:
- You get the entire column, not the abbreviated selection of the free feed. The full column has at least 10 stories each week (often more); the free feed has 4-5.
- No outside (third-party) advertising to interrupt your reading.
- Arrives much sooner in the week than the free edition — Monday evenings, rather than Fridays (U.S. time).
- Occasional Reader Tagline Challenges — an extra story where you provide the tagline in competition with other readers.
- Miss an issue? Even if you accidentally delete it (more commonly: it’s deleted by overzealous spam filters), fix the problem first and then use the form linked in the footer of every issue to request a copy. (Yep: best to save at least one issue.)
- You are left on the free distribution — you decide whether you want both or not. (Many Premium subscribers prefer to get both.) Unsubscribing from the free edition does not affect your Premium subscription. (There’s an unsubscribe link at the bottom of every free issue.)
- You get a 20% discount on This is True book collections, with no minimum or maximum — if you’re buying books as gifts (a great idea), this benefit could easily pay for your Premium subscription!
- Easy address changes*.
Despite having about triple the number of stories, Premium is not triple the size of the free edition! How is that possible? Yes, there are more stories, but there aren’t paragraphs about upgrading to Premium. There aren’t outside ads. Premium thus ends up being more “concentrated” — more stories, less extraneous sales material. Sweet!
You Choose What to Pay, with a minimum of $11/quarter, $21/semi-annual, or $40/year (here). The “suggested” rates to better support True are $13/quarter, $26/semi-annual, or $52/year. Yes, many do pay more than that, even: it’s worth it! You can upgrade using credit/debit cards, Paypal — even send checks in the mail.
Premium Upgrades
Gift subscriptions are simple: Enter your information on the order, and in the comments area, put your friend’s name and email address, and any message you want me to deliver in the gift message. Forgot to include the gift info (or Paypal doesn’t let you, despite my having set that)? Then contact me with the details after you do your order. Easy!
Plastic, Auto-Renewing, and more…
Credit/Debit Card (Preferred)
If you’d like to order an upgrade and/or other products — True book collections (Premium subscribers get a 20% discount), GOOHF cards or other goodies — the secure shopping cart is ready for you. It accepts major credit cards, Paypal, or you can use it to get your total to mail in with a check or money order.
- One-year upgrades and renewals are here.
- Auto-renewing subscriptions on a quarterly, semi-annual, or annual basis are here.
NOTE! If you really prefer Paypal, by all means use it. Paypal is unfriendly to businesses [more info] so I prefer credit/debit cards, which you can use on True’s Shopping Cart. Thanks!
This is True
PO Box 666
Ridgway CO 81432 USA
Q: Why would I want to pay more than the minimum rate?
A: To support the publication to help it thrive and stay online, and this kind of support means less future need for price increases (and smaller increases when they do happen), which enables more people to upgrade. This option was requested by existing Premium subscribers. Besides: it’s worth it!
Premium Subscription Terms
*You can update your address as often as necessary — see the bottom of any issue for a special update address. Since I am rather open with “free samples” (you know what you are getting before you pay for it!), there are no refunds should you unsubscribe for any reason.
I do not reply to anti-spam “challenge-response” systems. It’s up to you to ensure you appropriately “whitelist” thisistrue.com with your mail provider.
Thanks much for your support!
I’ve been “sponging” off your great “This is True” long enough! I’ve been meaning to upgrade now for the last six months and finally “James” of Western Australia and “Mike” of Dallas, in one of your recent freebies, pushed me over the edge and said the very same thing I was thinking of writing to you “one of these days”.
Well, here I am, sheepishly looking down, with my hat in my hand. Sign me up!!
“Finally!” That’s what you should be saying to me. I figure, if I can afford chicken and steak (enough for friends and family) for the holiday weekend BBQ, I can DEFINITELY start with a one year subscription to the best newsletter I have the privilege to read. Next up, GOOHF cards and other gifts! Thanks for your patience, Randy! It took too long for me to get it right. I hope you’re now thinking: Better late than never!
I’ve been a True free subscriber for many years. I really enjoy the stories, but never felt “compelled” to upgrade. I can’t really explain why I have upgraded to the Premium subscription, except that the Good News story really made an impression on me. I’ve been wanting to learn CPR for a long time, but now I am very motivated to learn it as soon as possible. Thanks for all you do! God bless.
That was certainly the farthest thing from my mind when I wrote the story, but I’m glad you’re giving it a try. I think you’ll find you really enjoy it and it will be worth renewing when the time comes, even if the “good feelings” from the story have long worn off. -rc
After a few years of the free version, I finally broke down and upgraded. I am looking forward to 2 years (and more) of laughs and frustrations over stupid stuff….
Keep it going!
I only can if enough readers support it, so thanks for helping, Stephen. -rc
After I don’t know how long, I have finally upgraded to the premium edition. Not sure why it took so long. Not only that, I set it up through PayPal to renew automatically, so I won’t ever have to worry about it. Thanks Randy!
Thanks for helping to support my work, Frank. -rc
As I live in NZ the premium costs a lot more over here – around 25% more – and I haven’t really seen a good reason to spend what little money I get from my min wage income. Since I saw the premium edition for Christmas I realised how much more entertaining it was and worked out that the cost of two years is around the same as hiring 10 DVDs over that time.
I have now decided to upgrade and forgo hiring a DVD for a few weeks. Your free newsletter has entertained me for a few years, so it’s really only a small cost overall.
Whatever works for you, and glad you were able to get a taste of Premium to see what it’s like. -rc
After receiving This is True #824 the paragraph where you stated: “If you’re one of the lucky ones who has managed to stay pretty even, TRUE could *definitely* use your support.” This is me…G-D has blessed me to continue to be gainfully employed. However, I had a light bulb moment and it occurred to me that the economy was negatively affecting This is True. The stats really drove home the need for me to do my part. So Thank You again for all of your work. I enjoy your newsletter tremendously.
Thanks, Ryan — I appreciate your thoughtful support. -rc
After a year or so of the free edition, I upgraded to the Premium edition for two reasons. 1) The request every week worked on my Roman Catholic guilt complex.
2) Having to click that darn link every week for the Honorary Unsubscribe put me over the edge finally. I am nothing if not lazy. Oh, 3rd reason – the little tidbit telling me what I missed. I hate missing out on things.
Thanks, Randy.
Thanks for your support: I literally could not write TRUE at all without the Premium subscribers. -rc
You have the most hysterical set of stories I have ever read. I am in stitches by the time I finish reading. Just moved to the Premium–excited to see the new issue. My son loves the issue also…it is a family thing we do once a week to read the stories.
You’re not the first parent to say he reads the stories with his kids. It’s a great way to get real-life object lessons. -rc
I’ve been a freeloader for what seems like forever (maybe 12 years?). At least I was a *principled* freeloader–I even sent you a mail telling you why: I’m cheap! Still, I can’t resist your Japan offer, so I’m signing on. However, I’m not only cheap, but forgetful, too, so I guess I’ll do it through Amazon, and have them do the automatic renewals (I haven’t had real good luck with PayPal–it’s just too complicated, since I live out of the US). I also want to use this as a goad to send some help to Japan (well, I did do a FarmVille ‘buy FV dollars special for Japan’ thing, but just for about 10 bucks, and I can afford more). So here goes.
I don’t consider free subscriber “freeloaders”, but I do agree with you that Paypal’s annual subscription option leaves a lot to be desired, and am glad you have the choice to use Amazon instead, which seems to work pretty well. Adding the foreign aspect into Paypal, and yeah: it’s not surprising it’s a nightmare! They really, REALLY need a viable competitor. Maybe Amazon will expand more into Paypal’s turf. I’d certainly welcome it! -rc
I wish I had the money to subscribe. So I want to thank those who do because they allow me to get the free one. Like I told the State Patrol officer that called me for a donation, “I have 84 cents in the bank son and I don’t get paid for a week and a half.” I’m not complaining just telling how it is. I get a pension from my 25 years in the Air Force and social security that pays my bills. I wasn’t afforded the luxury of buying a house during my military career so it makes it harder during this part of my life. But, the good Lord takes care of me and the misses. I don’t want anyone to think I am hoboing.
I definitely don’t. You’re welcome to stay on the free list as long as you wish, sir! -rc
Finally bit the bullet & upgraded after a long time on the free list. There isn’t much in the way of balanced, rational and thoughtful commentary either side of the border, so it’s good to be able to support what must a times seem like a hopeless task. But then you have quite a few subscribers and probably even more on the free list, so perhaps its not a hopeless task after all.
Thank you for at least trying (and succeeding to some extent). Don’t stop, we need thoughtful voices more than ever, as well as the laughs (sometimes even more than the thoughtful bits).
I don’t consider it hopeless at all. Reaching “everyone” would indeed be hopeless, but that’s not what I’m doing. I’m reaching out to those smart enough to “get it”, and who care enough to work toward improvement. -rc
Like so many others I’ve been subscribing free for ages and decided it was time to be just a bit more unselfish and enable others besides myself to benefit from a true voice of reason. The PayPal auto-renew option will make it easy to keep doing the right thing. Thanks Randy for putting thought (and laugh) provoking material before us.
Well, I finally did it! I’ve gotten the free edition for quite a while and wasn’t always able to read it. But now that I’m retired, I have a little extra time on my hands and a huge reduction in email; so, I figured now’s the time to take the plunge and be a paying subscriber.
Thanks for all those “free” years!
You’re welcome, Betty! Congrats on your retirement. -rc
Thank you for writing This is True, Randy! I’ve been a free subscriber for a few years now, and just couldn’t stand not being able to read ALL the stories anymore
I enjoy reading This is True every week immensely. It always contains something to tickle my funny-bone and something to make me think — if nothing else to make me think I’m happy not living in the US
In the words of Ron White: You can’t fix stupid! But boy do I wish we could when I read This is True every week. *grins*
For sure. Just remember, though, that the stories are not just from the U.S.! They even, on occasion, center in Denmark. -rc
I’ve been a premium subscriber for what seems like forever. Unfortunatly, the economy hit me pretty hard a few years ago and I had to cut back on all the ‘frivolous’ things just to get back on my feet. Well, I’m happy to say that time has come, and premium This is True is the first of the ‘frivolous’ things being added back to my life. Thanks for waiting for me.
I know the economy is still pretty tough out there, but it’s nice to hear more positive stories than negative, lately. Happy for you, and welcome back! -rc
I just signed up for 1 year at paypal, now I feel incredibly dense — will it be delivered to the e-mail address I use for paypal, as it didn’t ask for an e-mail address?
We have Paypal set to allow Comments to be entered, but Paypal doesn’t always present the Comments box (and never allows it for the “recurring” auto-renewal subscriptions). So yes, unless we see instructions otherwise, it goes to your Paypal address. There is a link at the bottom of every issue to change it, though, should that not be the best address for you. Thanks for your upgrade! -rc
After years of enjoying the free edition I finally decided to get off the fence and contribute the This Is True’s viability. Perhaps it’s not the best time to be doing this as my employer just announced my job is being “re-skilled” (translation more work, less money). But the enjoyment I’ll get out of the Premium edition will help keep me sane and smiling through it all. Keep up the good work.
“Reskilled” sounds like it was coined by the same guy who came up with “downsizing”. Good luck with it, and thanks for your support in trying times! -rc
I’m a disabled Vet with a bum leg and a snootful of PTSD. The love of my life died in 2008 after 34 years of a very happy life together. My son in law turned me on to True, and sometimes it’s been just the thing to make the day worth carrying on. So, while I’m not rich, I am one of the 47% of the moochers, bums and nee’r do wells that live on a VA pension…sorry Mitt, maybe if you weren’t in France, YOU’D be the one living on a VA pension. And I’m happy to support True, which has supported me. (I do miss the Stella Awards tho!)
Thanks for your service, George. If you represent a good portion of the “47%”, our country will be fine. -rc
I have been receiving the free edition for years and it is always great but sometimes there is an item in there that makes me laugh so much I nearly wet myself.
I am often quite far behind depending on my work and I just caught up-to-date with your request for upgrades. As I just can’t bear the idea of “This Is True” closing down here is my 24 bucks.
Keep up the great work Randy, I look forward to many more wet pants in the future.
Subscribing to do my part to help keep a small business around. If you can spare a few dollars per month, upgrade and support small business.
I’m sure I’ll enjoy the newsletter too!
I’m not sure “small business” is worthy enough; there are millions out there. What I do think is worthy is preserving an independent voice, so not all of the online content is from some mega media corporation. They have their place, but that place isn’t “everywhere”. -rc
Just upgraded to Premium after Dog knows how many years on the free version. After all, the current exchange rates means that it costs less than 2 pints at a local pub.
Looking back, I was surprised to discover that I’ve only been on the free list for a mere 5 1/2 years, because it feels like so much longer than that (ten years was my initial guesstimate). I’ve considered upgrading for quite some time, but with a black belt in absentmindedness and being an amateur procrastinator by nature I’ve always found some reason or other to push it to “next week”, or just plain forget about it for a while. I know, it’s not like Discipline is my middle name, and Well Organized is neither my first nor my last.
Not anymore, though. In a rare fit of getting a grip on myself and simultaneously being ambushed by my conscience, I’ve just succeeded in administering a well-aimed kick at my mental Gluteus Maximus and completed the order for a year of Premium Editions as an early Christmas present for myself. It didn’t even hurt, and I’m eagerly looking forward to the next (and my first) issue.
Thanks, Bjornar! -rc
I paid for a two-year subscription via Amazon (I think) some time ago and have really been enjoying TRUE Premium since then. As I don’t remember when I did this and I’ve made a lot of purchases on Amazon for years, I don’t really have a good way to go back and find out when it was. I want to be sure my Premium subscription keeps coming. Is there a way I can find out when my subscription will need renewal and set up a way to automatically do that every two years?
P.S.: I’ve also purchased all six TRUE books and both H.U. books for Kindle software, which I have on both my phone and my Android tablet. Nothing beats having a good laugh and a lot of thought provoking along for any ride.
Hi River. You only upgraded in mid-February, so you’re good to go for well over a year more. The expiration date is now in the footer of each Premium issue. I also send subscribers a renewal notice several weeks before their subscription runs out.
As for two-year recurring, the renewal options are already pretty complex, so I’m loathe to add more options. -rc
I sponged off the free version for years while I was in college, (I was in my 40s) and finally upgraded when I got my “big job.” But when the economy tanked, and my oldest son started college, I let my premium subscription lapse. Now with 2 kids in college, it was just out of the question to upgrade, but I have recently felt guilty that I was not supporting you and Kit. So I dug around in my garage, found some stuff I wasn’t using, and sold it on eBay to pay for my premium upgrade! Hopefully there is enough stuff in my garage and attic to keep me in the premium ranks for the rest of my life.
Clever solution! I never consider it “sponging”, but I’m glad there was an option for you to get at least a portion in the meantime. -rc
Tried to upgrade by using my Visa debt card only with my old webtv, I could not access your “encrypted” page. So IF you inform me of some way to use my card, i would be most happy to “upgrade”.
Just dropping a note to say “Thanks for all you do to keep the ‘Masses’ entertained and thinkin’!!” I am now able to spend a bit more, so I signed up for a auto-renewing subscription thru PayPal.
I can’t remember how long I’ve been reading your “Free version” But I’m sure I’ll be reading the “Premium” edition for at least as long, if not longer….
Thanks, JB. I couldn’t do it without you and your fellow subscribers. I appreciate your support. -rc
I have been getting the “free” edition for a couple of years now. Had been meaning to upgrade but always seem to have an excuse (not enough time to read it all, illness, financial problems) but that is just what they were — excuses. Being a published author myself and liking getting paid for what I did I should have bit the bullet and done this a while ago since the cost is so low. Just need to skip one coffee at Tim Hortons a month and it is paid for. So I finally did it and will get to enjoy the full issue now. Sorry it took so long.
No apology needed, but I’m glad you’re giving it a try. -rc
I have finally upgraded as your piece about the public radio struck a chord.
I was never upset etc about your pushes, I saw them as part of getting a free newsletter (and one of the highest quality I must say) but have not really been in a position to upgrade before.
Thankfully I am in a more secure position now so it’s time to start paying my dues.
Good luck with getting 99 more for your target!
I was a TRUE subscriber years ago, but had to let it lapse due to tough times. Your pledge drive made me realize that I’ve come out of those times alright, and I want to show my appreciation for all that you do, once again.
So I’ve added my recurring subscription back and with any luck, it will stay there for a long time to come.
Thanks much, Chris! -rc
Long time freeder, first time subscriber (i was actually teetering and then once you’d announced it I waited until you had your price rise to take the plunge). Just some minor feedback/suggestions about the process.
I just subscribed via paypal. I got their receipt and so on, but so far I’ve not heard anything directly from TiT. Not worried, I’m hanging out for the first premium issue but it would be really nice to *know* I was on the list and what day the next issue was due so I could choose to unsub from the free list. As it is I’m sure everything’s fine but I’m stuck in limbo somewhat.
Keep up the good work.
Thanks for your upgrade. Frankly, I thought this page was specific about timing, but it wasn’t until I just now fixed it. Premiums come out Monday evenings, U.S. time. Because Paypal (and Amazon and the shopping cart) already send receipts, we don’t send a separate one. Most people would be irritated by the duplication (and understandably so), and we would have to do it manually — instead of, for instance, working on getting book compilations to press. Sounds like a lose-lose proposition! -rc
I started subscribing to your free edition when I was 15. I didn’t like online newsletters in general, but I liked the content of this one when a friend showed it to me. I unfortunately had no money to pay for a subscription. Now, I just realized I have been subscribed to the free newsletter for ten years, and even though I still don’t like online newsletters, I really like this one. I figured that was evidence enough to do a long overdue upgrade, and I hope to enjoy it for years to come.
Thanks for your upgrade, Nick. -rc
I have been a free reader for about a year and finally decided to become a premium subscriber after last week’s free issue (I was going to put this in the PayPal comment box on the purchase but I forgot).
I have to say that when I first saw the new format with all the premium headlines in text I was a little annoyed. I then thought for a minute and said to myself “this is Randy’s business and he can do whatever he wants to try to get people to pay for a subscription”.
What pushed me over the edge to go premium, however, was seeing the protest unsubscribes that you got over the new layout. If people can be so thoughtless in the way they “thank” you for the service you are doing for them by releasing a free edition, then I can afford a few dollars to show my appreciation of the amazing work that you do.
Your word is good: I saw your upgrade come through. Thanks for your support! -rc
I’m with Ze’ev above. After seeing how rude us freeloaders can be, I decided I was on the wrong side of the fence — so I subscribed for two years.
Something about equal and opposite reactions there….
In any case, thanks for all you do and best wishes for your increasingly profitable future!
I don’t think the whining minority says anything about the free edition readers in general, but I do appreciate your support! -rc
Thanks so much Randy for all you do! True is one of the very first things I subscribed to when I got online back in the dark ages. Then I dropped out for a few years when I was focused on other things like building a team to run Iditarod. Then I’ve been in the “can’t afford it” mindset.
Really?!?! I can’t afford self-care? Laughter and thought-provoking entertainment are not only some of the best medicine you can buy…but it’s always fun to see things from a different point of view.
So here I am, being “true” to myself and my needs. Thanks again and I look forward to being entertained and challenged by the Premium edition!
Welcome back! -rc
It is just that
mumble mumble p.pal mumble mumble
Is making me annoyed. Or that I am annoyed by it.
And annoyed that I have to accept personal responsibility for being annoyed.
But I WILL be upgrading to Premium very very soon. As soon as I get out of bed and get my wallet and MC blah blah blah.
P.S. I am scared by the number 666 but I think I can overcome that part temporarily because you are so funny.
If it makes you feel any better, i mumble about Paypal too. As for my PO Box number, the point of it is that it’s just a number, a symbol that stands for something else as a label, and as such can’t hurt either of us. -rc
Say, does the premium edition also contain tracking links (yes: I’m prejudiced and lump *all* user-tracking in the big bad spam conspiracy box)? Those redirected through clicks.aweber.com (I assume the ?awt_l=&awt_m= request fields the other links recently gained are AWeber tracking, too)?
There’s certainly nothing “recent” about those: they’ve been there for years, not weeks or months, and the default with the mailing service I use is to include them, because they’re very helpful for publishers. How? The two primary uses for such links is to track trends (e.g., what percentage of readers click the photos to see them larger, or have interest in the link to [whatever]), and to remove folks from distribution if they’re not actually reading the issues for months (because why pay to send issues they don’t care about?) While the former would be interesting to know for Premium readers too (and for the second, I just assume they’re reading it, since why else pay for it and renew every year?), to add tracking links is more work for little benefit because the mailing service I use for Premium doesn’t have that function built in, so indeed I don’t bother to use them on Premium. -rc
After getting the free version for many years I finally stepped up and subscribed to the premium version. I keep it in my inbox and enjoy a couple of stories every day. It’s a great way to keep a smile on my face throughout the week!!
FINALLY UPGRADED! Like so many others, I’ve reading your free version for years. I enjoy your sense of the absurd and how you bring to our attentions how stubbornly stupid people can be. My adopted theory is, since there is only so much brain power available on the planet, the more of us that are here the less there is to share.
I was going to upgrade, but my PayPal email address is different than my delivery address for this publication. Your suggestion?
You can include a note with your order with your preferred delivery address, and you can change your address anytime you wish — the free and Premium distributions are separate; you can come and go whenever you wish from the free edition, and it doesn’t affect your Premium subscription at all. -rc
I’ve been a free member for a very long time, I know it was sometime back in the late 90’s, but I’ve gone through several email addresses so you might not have that info. I’ve wanted to upgrade but just could not afford to. Plus I was unemployed for the last 8 years and just finally got a job 2 weeks ago. I sooooo badly want to upgrade right now and be one of your 10 more to reach 100 but alas it has to wait for just one more week when I get my first paycheck on the 3rd of June.
Congrats on your new job! And don’t worry: we’ll be here when you’re ready. -rc
I, too, have been a freeloader for several years now, and also have been meaning to upgrade (a common refrain here!). However, after reading about your membership drive I felt it was my time to step up as well.
While I do enjoy the stories (I work in customer service for one of the big hotel companies, so I always wonder if I’m going to see a story with us in it!), it is actually your Honorary Unsubscribe feature that draws me time and time again. I have learned so many things through your newsletter about the people who have created/performed/done great and wonderful things for humanity, most of whom die without so much as a whisper in the news (which I feel is a shameful thing in this day of “info-tainment”). I greatly appreciate their inclusion and thank you for bringing their accomplishments to the forefront.
I look forward to many more episodes in the coming year.
In general, society idolizes and rewards the wrong people. I do what I can to show there are others who are more worthy of recognition. -rc
Just upgraded to a paid subscription after about 20 years of receiving This is True. I figured it was about time!
Enjoy! -rc
Been a freeloader for a (truly embarrassing) number of years, but if it’s needed now, here’s a 2-year subscription.
Thanks, Clay. -rc
I would LOVE to get premium, but I am disabled. I’m also a veteran, combat medic, but not disabled in line of duty. I’m struggling now, trying to get disability payments, but for now VA pays my rent, and I get food stamps… so no extra money for extras.
The newsletter is very fun to read, and I often look up the details of the stories to understand (or try to) why someone would do many of the weird things that occur. Keep it up!
Thanks for your service, Robert (especially as a medic!), and I’m glad there is a free option available for you. You’re welcome to stay on the free distribution for as long as you’d like. -rc
Advise Robert from Florida to go to the DAV. It isn’t whether you were disabled in the line of duty. If you are different when you got out versus the way you went in, let him or her give you proper guidance.
I have not received my upgraded edition yet. The payment cleared my bank on Feb 2. Just wondering if there is a problem.
Hi John. I see you’re using a Hotmail address here. The address you put in your order is a gmail address — and that is, of course, where the issues have been going. Please check there. -rc
I have a small inheritance that has made my life easier. I don’t panic when the refrigerator starts growling or a tire goes flat. So now I am spending a few dollars for something that makes me happy: A Premium subscription. I have enjoyed your work for so many years and especially the years when I had ALL the stories.
I am still trying to dissuade my daughter and son in law from moving to Florida and taking my only grandchild. My hope is the additional stories will provide some ammunition. Thank you for your work. The fake news is now the new norm and it makes your true news even more important.
Welcome back to Premium! -rc