Adventure Move
Sheriff deputies in Yates County, N.Y., were led on a high-speed pursuit by a man from Rushville to Benton at speeds exceeding 100 mph before they were able to end the chase with “stop sticks,” which popped the man’s tires. The 21-year-old driver was charged with unlawfully fleeing a police officer, obstructing governmental administration, reckless operation, speeding, speed not reasonable and prudent, failure to comply with a lawful order, failure to keep right, moving from lane unsafely, driving an uninspected and unregistered vehicle, improper license plates, driving without insurance, and various vehicular equipment infractions. His name: Indiana Jones. (RC/Finger Lakes Times) ...The judge won’t look kindly on his courtroom being referred to as “The Temple of Doom”.Original Publication Date: 08 November 2015
This story is in True’s book collections, in Volume 22.
This story is in True’s book collections, in Volume 22.
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