Story Archive

All Gone

“There were cars everywhere,” said Mary Andrews, “and there were people coming out of my house with armloads of stuff.” All sorts of things, from lamps to toilet paper, were taken. And the takers wouldn’t stop. “They all argued with me,” she said, “and very few people would just put anything back.” But Longmont, Colo., police have closed the case: they have no leads, and told Andrews it was all just a “very, very bad misunderstanding.” A rumor had gone around identifying her house as the scene of an estate sale where the price of everything was zero. There was in fact an estate sale not far away, but a news article does not specify whether it had prices above zero. (AC/Boulder Daily Camera) ...Perhaps it did, by using the word “sale.”
Original Publication Date: 01 April 2018
This story is in True’s book collections, in Volume 24.

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