Allergic to Birthdays
Brooks Elementary School in Coweta, Ga., has announced it will no longer allow students to bring cookies or cake to school for birthday celebrations, due to “safety reasons” and to create “a positive environment for all students.” Principal Julie Raschen says that in her experience, about 10 percent of students have some sort of food allergy, such as to peanuts, gluten, or strawberries. “Parents can still send in treats for their child’s birthday,” she says, “we just ask that they not be food items.” District public information officer Dean Jackson clarified that the rule only applies to birthdays, not holiday celebrations or snacks. (RC/Newnan Times-Herald) ...So, protect the children during birthdays, and to hell with them during holidays. Got it!Original Publication Date: 31 August 2014
This story is in True’s book collections, in Volume 21.
This story is in True’s book collections, in Volume 21.
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