Are You Joshin’ Me?
After a burglary at Veterans Cab Company in Unity Township, Pa., the company’s owner was able to tell police who did it: there were security cameras in the building. “The face looked familiar,” said the owner, Lou Falbo. The burglar, he said, was wearing a company sweatshirt. “Once I saw the sweatshirt and the name on it, it made it all the more clear who it was,” he said. Even on video, the name on the shirt could be read: “Josh” — a former employee. Joshua Jording, 26, was charged with burglary. “I had to chuckle a little bit,” Falbo says, “because you never know who you’re dealing with, I guess.” (RC/WTAE Pittsburgh) ...While everyone else is pretty sure it was Josh.Original Publication Date: 03 January 2016
This story is in True’s book collections, in Volume 22.
This story is in True’s book collections, in Volume 22.
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