Being Neighborly
A 28-year-old man was grilling on his apartment patio in Buffalo Grove, Ill., when his upstairs neighbor asked him to stop. The man later said that if his neighbor has asked politely, he would have obliged him, but because of the neighbor’s drunken belligerence, he decided to ignore him. “The neighbor retorted by throwing a stool and chair down to [the resident]’s patio,” a police report said. A few minutes later, there was a knock at the downstairs door. “It was this neighbor, continuing to curse and demanded his stool and chair back,” the report says. The resident “stated this neighbor then threatened to burn his apartment down.” Police responded and spoke with the upstairs neighbor. “As he lit a second cigarette, he stated that the grill smoke bothers him,” the officer noted. “He agreed that throwing items off his balcony towards his neighbor was a mistake. When asked about his threatening to burn the apartment down, he stated that he meant his neighbor’s careless use of the grill could cause a fire.” (MS/Chicago Tribune) ...Bring down a chair and we can talk about it.Original Publication Date: 12 July 2015
This story is in True’s book collections, in Volume 22.
This story is in True’s book collections, in Volume 22.
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